Elämäntavaksi muodostunut nykysirkus ja sen monimuotoiset esiintymistilaisuudet ovat kuljettaneet tämän Akrobaattikaksikon esiintymään yli kymmeneen eri maahan.
Heidän omaleimainen ja karismaattinen esiintymisensä, tekee myös yritys- ja yksityistilaisuuksien ohjelmasta mieleenpainuvan.
Pariakrobaatit Jenni Lehtinen ja Sasu Peistola ovat työskennelleet sirkustaiteen ammattilaisina yhdessä jo yli 15 vuotta. He ovat esiintyneet yli 20 eri teoksessa sirkus- tanssi- ja ooppera-areenoilla, suurilta teatterilavoilta satamakaupunkien katusirkuksiin.
Inni & Sasu ovat valmistuneet Turun Ammattikorkeakoulun sirkuslinjalta. Pariakrobatian erikoistumisopinnot he ovat käyneet Ukrainan valtion sirkuskoulussa Kiovassa, sekä Ecole supérieure des arts du cirque sirkuskoulussa Belgiassa.
He työskentelevät freelance taiteilijoina itsenäisesti, sekä Agit-Cirk sirkusryhmässä. Heidän erityisosaamiseensa kuuluu pariakrobatian lisäksi ilma-akrobatia, käsilläseisonta ja kahvakuulajongleeraus. Taiteellisen työn lisäksi he toimivat myös sirkustaiteen opettajina.
Acrobats Jenni Lehtinen and Sasu Peistola are performers in all arenas from big theather stages to the small village's intimate street performances. They have been touring with their own creations which are productions of Agit-Cirk - Väkevä&Lyydia, Tenho, Tenho outdoor, Sceno and Nuanc3d in over ten different countries. Tenho has been gathering alot of positive attention and it's been called "sincere and peacefull act".
In addition to their own creations Inni & Sasu are performing with their own acts in private occasions, theathers and other performing arts productions.

Phto Kirsi Tuura

Jenni Lehtinen
Jenni Lehtinen is a circus artist from Helsinki Finland. She is an acrobatic flyer in pair acrobatic’s. She has learned her first acrobatic skills at the age of 8 on the back of a galloping horse. She competed 10 years in Finnish National Vaulting team in W.C. level, both individual and team.
Jenni graduated from Arts Academy, Turku University of applied siences circus school in 2007 and during the school she went to practice pair acrobatics as an exchange student to Brussels, Ecole superieure des arts du cirque, for couple of months. Later she wanted to extend her skills as an acrobatic flyer so she went to Kiev Ukraine state circus school with her partner, to learn more of pair acrobatics. After she came back to Finland she has been working as a freelance artist, mostly in the field of contemporary circus. She has also experience from dance theather and opera productions. In addition she's been one of the creator's in her own shows called Tenho and Sceno. She's also been a lead creator of Nuanc3d.
Tenho, Sceno and Nuanc3d are Circus- and music association Agit-Cirk's productions.
Jenni has been a member of circus company Agit-Cirk since 2009 and at the moment she is the chairman of the board. Besides touring and performing, creating contemporary circus shows and doing artistic work has been the main focus for Jenni in the last few years.
As a performer Jenni is skillful and lively. On the stage she is a mix of skill and expressive performing. She likes challenges and she loves to experience new things in all areas of life. She is an adventurer from her heart. In addition to her work her hobbies include joinery, sewing, and rock climbing.
Sasu Peistola
Sasu Peistola is an acrobat who lives in Helsinki. He is a member in a Finnish circus and music association Agit Cirk. Sasu was raised in Naantali and trained in various sports in his younger years. He also did acting in amateur theather groups.
Sasu graduated 2007 from Turku Arts Academy, with pairacrobatis as his main circus dicipline. He also studied in Brussels, Ecole superieure des arts du cirque for couple of months during this time. After graduating from Turku, he travelled to Kiev, Ukraine state circus school, to train more of pairacrobatics. After Kiev circus school, he worked as a performer and teacher in Finland and abroad.
He participated in many different productions like opera, street shows, theater and of course, contemporary circus.
Sasu is a solid performer with strong stage presence. His work as a performer is mixed with high level circus skills, creativity and Finnish madness.
Currently he is touring with his own circus performances Tenho outdoor, Nuanc3d, Nuanc3d VR and Väkevä&Lyydia.